Trans people aren’t transitioning gender; they’re transcending gender.
Transgender is not an evolution but the re-emergence of the original experience.
Imagine a time when everything existed as one — what I like to call the One Consciousness — a stage where everything began as a singular entity. Physicality came into being just once, forming the foundation for all that is tangible. Mortality emerged as a singular creation, and humanity was birthed from one original human.
Man was created once — there is one man. Woman was created once — there is one woman. And yes, the transgender experience also emerged from that original creation — there is one trans person. This perspective invites us to see the underlying unity and essence within all of us.
The idea of ‘the one’ becoming ‘the many’ doesn’t lessen the vibrancy of life’s unfolding from the Big Bang; it mirrors a single cell dividing infinitely, revealing our awakening perception of the world around us. The interplay between our external physical reality and our internal non-physical selves is like two sides of the same coin — interconnected and inseparable.
The experience of an external physical reality creates the experience of an internal non-physical self.
Every humanoid species, every biological form, even that which we would call “not of this world” — we’re all woven together by the same creation thread. The layers of our identities may change, but at the core, everything is interlinked. The original act of creation was life itself, branching out into the myriad forms we see today. This web of interconnectedness tells us that all biological and physical existence echoes our unity.
To explore the origins of humanity and the essence of creation itself, we can look at how these ideas resonate with the transgender experience. From one viewpoint, the transgender experience can be seen as a third gender — a distinct and valid experience.
A trans man declaring, “I am male” is stating a profound personal and self-evident truth, but he isn’t equating his experience with that of a cisgender male; rather, he’s expressing his own unique truth / reality experience. The paths taken by those transitioning from male to female or vice versa reveal distinct realities that are deeply personal and different from each other. This journey is further reflected in the diverse expressions of non-binary and fluid identities, illustrating that gender exists on a vast spectrum.
Gender has never been binary.
To label gender as binary is to reduce it to a simplistic dichotomy. Gender isn’t just black and white; it encompasses a rich tapestry of identities and experiences beyond traditional male or female classifications. The journey into understanding gender through the trends experience began with the acknowledgment of transitioning, but it has blossomed into a much fuller recognition of the fluidity and multiplicity of gender itself.
Grasping that gender is not binary is important to your spiritual evolution. It is as fundamental as understanding that physical existence and mortality aren’t merely on-or-off concepts. The essence that birthed the female experience also birthed the male experience, and it encompasses the transgender experience as well. This speaks to what transcends gender — what gives birth to it and unites us in our humanity.
Trans people aren’t just transitioning between two genders; they are transcending gender.
As we awaken to our collective experiences, we not only look back to our origins but also recognize the myriad states of being we’ve all traversed. We reach back to connect with that original state, tapping into the collective existence of everything that came before gender — the transcendent essence that bridges our identities and experiences.
The rise of transgender, non-binary, and gender-fluid identities signifies a return to an earlier state of being — one that existed before the rigid confines of traditional gender roles. This perspective invites us to see this evolution not as an anomaly or mutation but as a powerful re-emergence of a less divisive understanding of gender.
We must first acknowledge and release our fear-based prejudices to embrace this journey toward inclusivity.
When we understand the trans experience as an exploration of gender, what becomes obvious is that this is the pre-gender state that birthed gender. The trans experience is not only that which bridges and unifies the male and female experience … it is that which created the male and female experience … it is that which preceded the male and female experience … it is more fundamental to what we are than being male or female. The state of consciousness / being that most explores gender most creates gender.
Trans people are deeply connected to the state of being that connected created gender.
Our awareness of the transgender experience is the awakening of a powerful ancient energy.
The trans experience is not anti-gender, anti-male, or anti-female; it represents the deepest exploration of gender that we can undertake in human form. To choose the trans experience, as spirit in the timelessness before birth, is to fearlessly explore the full spectrum of gender.
Celebrate the trans experience; it carries the birth of great freedom and wonders for our future.
This article was created from a small section of the ‘Reality is a Donut’ advanced masterclass. Please note that while the course contains much more information on the concept of oneness and the human experience, it does not contain additional perspectives on the trans experience beyond what is conveyed in this article.