StorySun’s Guide to the Wider Reality
Episode 1 — Spiritual Awakening
Channeling & Spiritual Awakening — My Journey into the Wider Reality.
Spiritual awakening isn’t about escaping life; it’s about diving into the depths of your consciousness while fully embodied.
The Channeling / Gnostic Experience.
Channeling is a transformative practice that opens the door to receiving guidance from the wider reality / spirit realm through your inner psychic senses. All channeling ultimately flows from the same unified eternal source consciousness. We are all interconnected, expressions of a singular, infinite, eternal state of awareness — “The One Consciousness.”
At first, I wondered if I was merely communicating with my imagination. However, as I began receiving insightful answers to my questions, I realized something larger was at play. The “Seth Books” by Jane Roberts — a pioneering voice in consciousness exploration — laid the groundwork for my journey. Initially, I believed that only Jane could channel Seth; however, my evolving understanding of oneness allowed me to embrace the possibility that everyone can connect with this delightfully quirky universal teacher. That said, the specific identity of a channeled entity is always secondary to what resonates with your heart.
Some may not know that the current most famous channeler in the world, Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham, has said that Abraham is Seth. As with myself, this is not some claim about a specific identity / entity, but a statement about the singular commonality of the gnostic / channeling experience. This is why I sometimes refer to Seth as ‘the universal teacher’ or ‘the teacher archetype.’
Connecting with your spirit.
Spiritual awakening calls for developing our inner senses, allowing us to experience a broader spiritual reality that transcends our physical level of perception. By integrating your spirit, your ability to connect with / channel your spirit will naturally flourish.
The wider reality is the state of non-physical existence from which we choose to enter our human experience. Life is an exploration into the depths of time and space, where source consciousness engages with the wonders and limitations of individuality. Our human journey of embodiment invites us to experience the richness of life while temporarily forgetting our infinite nature.
Life is not a mistake to rectify but an incredible adventure that enhances our understanding of time and existence.
Spiritual awakening isn’t about escaping life; it’s about diving into the depths of your consciousness while fully embodied. It’s about recognizing how deeply you can connect to our wider eternal existence. While spiritual awakening is inevitable upon passing from this world, igniting this process during your lifetime can bring profound joy and a sense of infinite freedom.
Physical reality is a wondrous dream within the vastness of the one consciousness. Each of us is a uniquely creative dreamer, crafting our experiences of individuality while simultaneously interconnected with the whole. Our shared reality highlights our interrelationship and reminds us that our connection is based in love.
Loving yourself as you are is at the heart of connecting with your spirit because you — just as you are — are the infinitely wise choice of your spirit to enter the human experience. To not love yourself is to not love your spirit’s choice … which is to not understand your spirit’s viewpoint … which is to be disconnected from your spirit through unconsciousness of what it is.
To love yourself as you are is to enter the reality of your spirit because that is how your spirit experiences you — with love.
Episode 2 — The Language of Spirit
Why listening to channeling ignites spiritual awakening and frees the self.
Interdimensional communication taps into the one fundamental reality from which all selves birth.
Channeling invites us on an exciting journey to explore our wider self. It embraces a more expansive view of consciousness, moving beyond the traditional idea of a hierarchical higher self. It encourages us to discover our infinite nature, focusing on the awareness of who we already are rather than striving to become something different.
At its core, channeling isn’t about learning some mystical technique; it’s about tuning into your inner guidance, an innate ability intricately connected to our spiritual essence. This form of communication transcends conventional language, expressing itself through a unique frequency and tone that resonates with our deepest feelings.
When I channel, I embody the universal teacher / Seth and experience its presence within me. Along with whatever information comes through, this is always a profoundly beautiful journey of self-discovery. The gnostic / channeling experience is an open invitation to explore another dimension of ourselves by letting go of the limitations imposed by our physical form.
Many people reject channeling or feel uncomfortable experiencing diverse experiences of self because of societal conditioning that reinforces a rigid sense of individuality and a possessive attachment to a singular self-identity. This makes it challenging to release the ego and embrace a transformative, energetic experience where other selves are experienced through your mortal self.
While in human form, we typically cling to our mental definitions of self, creating a form of self identity that is rigid and unyielding. Yet, through channeling, we can reconnect with the fluid essence of our being, recognizing our infinite potential to redefine who we are. This empathic morphing of self confronts our fears and resistance to change and challenges our existing self-definition. Ultimately, channeling is a powerful reminder that our self-definitions do not bind us; we are the creators of our own reality.
The human self is but a beautiful temporary suit of clothes — it holds value as a form of self-expression, yet it doesn’t fully capture the essence of who we truly are.
Channeling is a fascinating adventure of self-discovery, opening doors to profound realizations about our wider eternal nature. Initially, it might feel like channelers are imitating something external, but, in reality, it reveals that all consciousness arises from a singular source. Embracing this interconnectedness dissolves the illusion of separation, allowing for the infinite expression of our singular self.
Channeling may be a niche spiritual technique, but it’s the clearest pathway to deeply reconnect with our spirit I have ever experienced. That said, it requires active engagement and personal experience for a richer understanding. This doesn’t mean you need to become a channeler of yourself, as just by listening to channeling, you will have your own internal gnostic experiences where you connect with your spirit, which in turn is connected to all existence.
Recognizing that the source of consciousness is shared among all beings highlights that channeling is more than receiving a telephone call that contains information; it is interdimensional communication that taps into our fundamental reality / nature.
The true power of channeling lies in the awakening to your spirit that it brings. It fosters personal transformation by nurturing a more fluid and adaptable perception of ourselves and the world around us. Instead of aiming for some unattainable perfection, this awakening advocates for flexibility and the courage to embrace diverse perspectives. In doing so, we unleash the vast richness of perception inherent within our spirit, paving the way for a multidimensional understanding of existence itself.
Episode 3 — Remembering Your Wider Self
The compass of your heart is your most powerful ally.
Activate your compass by recognizing and listening to your inner senses.
Imagine a singular, eternal consciousness that underlies all of existence, capable of expressing itself in infinite ways. This idea — the one is the many, and the many are the one — suggests that beneath our unique selves, we are all interconnected, part of a grand tapestry of life, often termed ‘source consciousness’ or ‘the one consciousness.’ This state of infinite awareness breathes life into everything around us.
To feel the reality of this connection is to engage in an inner dialogue with your spirit, allowing its deeper level of perception to guide you. This transformative journey sparks spiritual awakening, opening your inner senses to a richer, broader understanding of reality.
Our outer senses help us navigate the vibrant diversity of the world, differentiating and distinguishing between countless experiences. But, it’s our inner senses that unveil the profound connections within all things, revealing the evolution of the self. The sweet spot in your spiritual journey lies in balancing your outer perception with an inner knowing through spiritual connection that recognizes our shared unity.
As you hone your inner senses, you will discover that consciousness persists beyond physical death, revealing deeper truths about the vastness of your existence. By connecting with your spirit, you’ll receive powerful guidance that resonates with your unique path — shaped by your intention for this life and your path of least resistance.
I identify as primarily claircognizant, which means my inner senses translate the broader reality into an innate sense of knowing. Our vibrant connection with our spirit is deeply personal and subjective, focusing not on acquiring new knowledge but on remembering and integrating our eternal nature.
Your spirit communicates through feelings of fluidity and freedom, not through words or rigid definitions. It serves as a source of inner validation and self-understanding, embodying love and acceptance. Your spirit is not something that is separate from you; it is a vital part of your being that transcends negative emotions — like victimhood, anger, or judgment — steering you instead toward beauty, unity, and love.
To cultivate this connection, it is crucial to let go of codependence, blame, judgment, and any sense of superiority or inferiority. Connecting with your spirit isn’t a cure-all for what ails you or a magical fix for any challenge; rather, it is a supportive guide — an ally on your spiritual path that encourages you to embrace the mysteries of life and embark on your unique journey of personal evolution.
Your connection with your spirit is a compass to guide you through the unfolding story that is your life.
Your spirit does not tell you what lies in any particular direction, but it does tell you which direction most resonates with your intention for experience. This relationship with your spirit is filled with love and the essence of freedom, which can feel daunting, especially for those used to codependent dynamics or caught in negative emotional cycles. Yet, your spirit stands ready to be your greatest ally, encouraging you toward self-responsibility and sovereignty, helping you process stuck, wounded energies and break free from fear-based limiting patterns.
As you remember this wider level of existence, you will begin to dissolve the fears that have distorted your perception of the world. By nurturing your inner senses, you will uncover the underlying love and unity that flows within all creation. This process will elevate you, liberating you from a narrow sense of individuality and revealing the safety and freedom inherent in experiencing the vast reality from which we all spring.
Episode 4 — Duality, Fear, and Diamond Consciousness
Open your inner senses to see through the myth of mortality.
Guide to the Wider Reality — Duality, Fear, & Diamond Consciousness:
To fully embrace our humanity, we must journey from a realm of consciousness where everything is interconnected into a reality defined by duality — a territory filled with the illusion of separation, otherness, and opposing forces. This illusion arises the moment we forget our inherent interconnectedness when we step into the mortal experience, and it clings to us, fueled by the powerful force we feel as fear. Fear is not a mistake or unfortunate symptom; it is a potent energy that drives the illusion of duality, allowing us to engage deeply with our embodiment and believe in the myth of our mortality.
At the heart of reality lies attraction … lies love.
Fear serves as the opposing force that hides / masks our wider nature and blocks the flow of positivity we could welcome into our lives. The ‘law of attraction’ teaches us to focus on good feelings and uplifting thoughts to draw more of them into our lives, allowing us to remember / deepen our connection to all that is.
Fear manifests as a harsh force that is divisive and judgmental. Unless we face our fears, the gates of our full-spectrum perception remain locked until we exit the mortal illusion. Yet, opportunities to feel what lies beyond our fear continue to exist, such as a flicker of remembrance each night as we drift into dreams, stirring our connection to the awakening process.
Our spirit is our infinite self, free from the clutches of fear.
The line of consciousness versus unconsciousness we define within ourselves defines the depth of our embodiment. Awakening through making the unconscious conscious is a purely personal choice. It is up to us how we choose to draw the line of consciousness within. It is not a reward you must earn.
We call this infinite self many names — Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, diamond consciousness, or crystal consciousness. It is the ultimate awakening experience of wholeness, where all fear has dissipated, leaving us connected to everything we focus on. This awakening is not merely a journey toward knowledge; it is about transcending the illusion of separation and embracing empathy and compassion for all creation.
In the moment of awakening, we understand that our fears were nothing but fabrications — illusions that clouded our perception. We shed these fears to reconnect with our wider selves … our spirit. The journey of spiritual awakening unfolds as we learn to view the world through a lens based on resonance, not fear.
Life as a human is not about the endpoint, but rather the incredible journey back to spirit — an adventure shaped not by fate but by our free choices. Our inner senses offer golden revelations, guiding us back to our spirit and providing profound insights into the meaning and purpose of our lives. For example, karma is not a burden imposed on us; it is a natural process through which we choose to resolve our personal challenges. Karma has nothing to do with justice; it is about choosing the return to wholeness.
You do not need special techniques to open your inner senses; all that is required is a conscious engagement with your journey back to spirit … to wholeness. Your life’s blueprint is encoded within your DNA, and as you awaken your inner senses, you can tap into this guiding wisdom and deepen your understanding of yourself and your purpose.
The ‘Earth bridging consciousness’ is the level of awareness / collective consciousness that recognizes itself as every human being. This level of consciousness enriches our self-awareness beyond our individual embodiment. You are not only connected to your spirit; you are connected to the whole of humanity.
Within you … within your consciousness, is the collective of the whole of humanity.
To harness this powerful flow of guidance, begin by contemplating the possibility of its existence. After all, reality is born from our consciousness. Transformation begins with belief, and as you explore your inner senses, validating experiences will reinforce that belief and inspire profound changes in your life.
The initial step to attune to your inner senses is simple: pay attention. Think about them, read about them, and consciously feel into your intuition / guidance / gut feelings / whispers it the heart / feeling of resonance. Engaging with channeled materials is a great way to immerse yourself in the possibility that your inner senses can be vital allies on your path. The more you nurture this focus, the more your inner senses will flourish, and the validation you seek will manifest, reflecting that reality is indeed shaped by consciousness.
Consciously guide your attention toward what you love and desire to experience rather than what you fear — this is the secret to discovering lasting happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy.
Episode 5 — One Fear - One Question - One Answer
Fear is our mask. Love is our answer.
Your singular fear … is a singular question … is a unique human life.
Amid the complex diversity of the human experience, a fundamental simplicity shines through — our innate desires to unite or divide. This simplicity ultimately highlights a crucial choice — the choice between love and hate. As we embrace love — both for ourselves and for others — we unlock the answers to our most profound questions and step into the wholeness of our being.
To unite is to become more conscious of your wholeness.
The human experience is marked by a striking polarization, where contrasting forces like rich and poor, love and hate, and right and wrong play out through every facet of our existence. This division extends beyond the external world, deeply rooted in our internal struggles, with fear acting as the common thread. To navigate this spiritual journey, you must learn to love yourself, erasing the fear of self that has been learned all too well. This love fosters an openness to embrace others and the world around you.
We forget our eternal nature in order to enter the mortal experience. This forgetting creates a divide between the conscious and unconscious mind, tightly held in place by our fears — an inner struggle that distorts our perception and obscures our awareness of our wider existence. Confronting these fears is the key to revealing / remembering your eternal nature. Embracing this process is a part of your self-chosen path for spiritual evolution.
Within each of us lies the collective awareness of ‘the Earth bridging consciousness.’
Awakening to this vast level of collective awareness is not about knowing everything. It is not about knowing it is about feeling; it is about embodying deep compassion, allowing us to see through the illusion that separates us. When we understand that we would make the same choices if we were in another’s shoes, we break down our internal and external barriers of judgment and fear. By embracing our collective level of consciousness, we can transcend our perceptual separation and reconnect with our infinite, eternal spirit.
Every fear points back to our fear of ourselves.
Fear obscures the brilliance and beauty of our infinite nature. It keeps us unconscious of our eternal, inviolate nature. It keeps us mortal. Our greatest fear is not the external world but the realization of our magnificence.
The journey to overcome fear — whether it is rooted within or projected onto the world — begins with love and understanding. As you learn to appreciate and embrace your eternal self, the world becomes a more relatable and compassionate place. Recognizing that we all share a singular pattern of fear, expressed in a myriad of ways throughout our lives, helps us understand our fears of both the world and ourselves.
The spiritual path ultimately leads to a deeper sense of empathy, not just for ourselves but for all people … all life … all that is.
At the core of humanity lies one profound fear and one essential question that emerges from the presence of that fear. This singular question can be explored in any situation or context where the fear is seen to be mirrored. To recognize the reflection of your fear is to begin resolving that fear. The path of spiritual awakening is one of unifying your perception.
All journeys hold significance and ultimately converge into the same destination.
Returning to the knowing of our wholeness involves dissolving the perceptual divisions created by our fear. Wholeness exists beyond our fears, resonating within our passions — a reminder of our eternal unified essence and interconnectedness.
There is nothing you need to fear about your magnificence.
There is nothing you need to fear about your immortality.
There is nothing you need to fear … period.
You fear the magnificence of your immortality because it represents the end of your mortality, and you are still being what you are. You are still being a little, tiny, focused you in your itty-bitty living space. You are still being a genie in the bottle of the human experience. You are still tasting this world, and you aren’t ready for the riches of this experience to end.
Take a moment to pause and reflect on your essence as a non-physical being. You exist within a simple framework of two primary emotions: love and fear. These emotions manifest as attraction or aversion, allowance or resistance, encapsulating our interactions with the world.
Choose love over fear to unite your perception and become more compassionate.
This is where the article, based on one of my wider reality podcast episodes, originally ended. However, my gnostic process kicked in when editing the article for release, and I added a few paragraphs.
Choose fear over love to polarize your perception such that it separates you from the life that exists in the world around you.
At first, choosing the perceptual separation of fear can feel like protection because of the distance it gives you from the object of your fear. However, eventually, the separation will come to gnaw at you and irritate you such that you are forced to focus on it.
All fear you create, you must eventually resolve.
When you create a fear, you create its resolution.
All fear and the resolution of that fear birth as one.
This is possible because all fears are the one fear expressed. The template of the one fear contains its complete journey … the journey of a soul through life … the journey of overcoming a fear … the journey of traveling the divide … of crossing the chasm … of remembering the magnificence of your wholeness.
Your life will not end until you have got what you came for.
However, unless you have awoken to the incredible love your spirit has for the human experience, do not presume to know what you came here for. The answer to why you came here lies in loving yourself.
To love yourself is to discover the answer to the question because to love yourself is to see yourself clearly, and you are the reason. You are a bridge between the mortal and the immortal; loving yourself is crossing the bridge … crossing the divide.
You are the reason for your existence. You are simultaneously self-selected and self-created because you are self-chosen.
You chose you. Love your choice.
Episode 6 — You Are Your Spirit’s Desire
You are the answer to the creational-level questions your spirit is asking.
You are your spirit’s desire — creating the time of your life.
The reality of your eternal consciousness — the wider reality — is not an external destination to be searched for; it is a rich, inner landscape just waiting to be accessed through the flow of love, compassion, and freedom that runs through you.
To be like your spirit is to invite integration with your spirit.
Integrating your spirit is about perceiving from its loving / unifying vantage point, unlocking your conscious awareness of the wider reality that resides within you. When you let your spirit flow through you, you embody the fullest expression of who you are. This dissolves the illusion of duality, breaking down the walls that create a sense of separation between you, other people, and the world around you.
By opening yourself to your spirit’s expansive reality, you invite a life brimming with magic and synchronistic moments. As you embark on this transformative journey, you return to a state of freedom — a state of existence your spirit has always known. Here, the boundaries blur, and reality begins to align harmoniously with your deepest desires.
Integrating your eternal spirit with your mortal experience opens your inner senses, allowing you to see the world through your spirit’s unifying, illusion-busting lens / vantage point. It means letting go of rigid definitions and embracing the incredible freedom you possess to express yourself.
Spiritual awakening is not about transcending or leaving your body; it is about fully embodying your spirit by choosing to unashamedly and fully be yourself — your fullest, most authentic self in a world that often pushes mentally idealized versions of who we should be.
Connecting with your spirit opens the door to knowing your intention for this human life, which is the heart of self-discovery.
You are a unique point of awareness, a manifestation of your wider self or spirit. Your mortal self, the physical and temporary aspect of your being, serves as a chosen temporary ‘set’ definition, yet it continues to fully represent / reflect / contain the infinite freedom from which you originate. Your spiritual self, on the other hand, is the eternal and unchanging aspect of your being.
No one is here as a punishment or because they need to learn lessons; you are here because your spirit desires the richness of the human experience, and it is choosing to be you in order to do that.
You are the fulfillment / embodiment of your spirit’s desire to be human.
You are your spirit embodied.
When in human form, we typically cling to our mortal definition, whether from fear of the reality that surrounds us, a possessive love of who we believe ourselves to be, or, most commonly, from a place of fear-based superiority. This attachment can cloud our perception of equality, making it daunting to accept that we are ALL special and we are all connected.
Awakening requires the bravery to see that every being, including yourself, is infinite, eternal consciousness. This realization allows for a profound understanding of our shared existence as one interconnected whole, paradoxically expressing our uniqueness through our commonality.
How you choose to experience reality is entirely up to you; there is no right or wrong approach.
Awakening is not an obligation; it is a choice we all have the power to make in our own time as we journey toward a circular understanding of reality (where we gain a wide enough vantage point to see the repeating cycles that underlie mortal existence).
Opening yourself to your spirit offers the tantalizing possibility of a more magical, harmonious, synchronized life. However, it also creates a shallower sense of individuality, reducing life’s intensity. This shift can be less appealing in a world craving passionate experiences, but it offers the beauty of unconditional acceptance and love. This choice of how deeply you connect with your focused mortal self or the expansiveness of your spirit remains with you, always embracing you with the possibility of finding love and acceptance.
There is no benefit in rushing the awakening experience. Take your time by creating the time of your life to explore the multitude of ways you can perceive reality. Your unique journey is a testament to your value and significance in the grand unfolding pattern of spiritual awakening.
Embrace your human journey of exploration and possibility, for being you in this world is what your spirit most desires to be.
Episode 7 — Seth Speaks: Knowing The Mirror
Balancing the inner with the outer — unraveling our addiction to life‘s illusions.
The harmony within: all you seek is revealed by the reflection of reality.
Human existence extends far beyond the limitations of our physical bodies. Our physical senses offer only a glimpse of reality, while our deeper, inner intuitive self / spirit /wider consciousness holds the key to comprehending the vastness of our existence.
Our outward physical experience is meant to captivate us, creating a mesmerizing illusion that typically hides our eternal nature. This mesmerization occurs because our thoughts and emotions project outward, forming our outer reality, and allowing our spirit to fully engage with the human experience.
All realities are mirrors of our spirit. The human experience is a divisive / dualistic / polarizing space-time mirror.
The perceived barriers that separate us are illusions; everything is the projection of a singular, infinite, unified, eternal consciousness that is the root of all existence / experience / creation / all that is.
To truly grasp the intricate nature of reality and the creation process, we must recognize that everything we encounter — be it joy or adversity — is a reflection. Embracing this understanding means completely accepting ourselves as we are — acknowledging both our brilliance and our imperfections / shadows / wounds.
We are not fragmented beings; we are a cohesive whole.
To accept this is to break free from the shackles of fear — fear of yourself, your potential, your light, and your shadows. You are the entirety of existence. You are a full spectrum being viewing itself through a limited window, but our extremely focused human perspective does not stop you being what you are.
You are so much more than what you outwardly own or have achieved.
You are so much more than this human life.
Our inner self / spirit is interconnected with our past lives, drawing from diverse realities to enrich our current existence. Our wider consciousness is a grand symphony of experiences.
To awaken to this deeper understanding is remembering what you have always known deep within. Don’t focus on your mistakes … seek greater harmony to recognize yourself as part of a broader tapestry of consciousness.
The answers to your deepest questions lie within you. Reality is a projection that reflects who you are; when you approach this reflection with openness and curiosity, you will discover the answers you seek in your reflection. This is why the deepest spiritual teaching is simply to…
“Know thyself.”
We are more than just our physical possessions. The charms and delights of physical life may captivate us, but the most consistently joyful experience comes from balancing this outward stimulation with the harmony of our spirit. It is not about one or the other. It is about finding a state of balance that works … that demonstrates it is effective through how it makes you feel.
Do not let the outer become a distraction from the inner.
Do not let the inner become a distraction from the outer.
You do not need to be distracted. You are whole as you are. If you seek harmony, then enjoy life as much as you can without becoming identified with it in such a way that you become dependent upon it or attached to it being a certain way.
Let us journey together, breaking through the illusions that veil our understanding, and step into the richness of our existence.
Together, we can uncover the wisdom within, revealing the extraordinary tapestry of life that connects us all.
Episode 8 — Seth Speaks-We Are All Here
Channeling & Spiritual Awakening — My Journey into the Wider Reality.
Spiritual awakening isn’t about escaping life; it’s about diving into the depths of your consciousness while fully embodied.
The Channeling / Gnostic Experience
Channeling is a transformative practice that opens the door to receiving guidance from the wider reality / spirit realmthrough your inner psychic senses. All channeling ultimately flows from the same unified eternal source consciousness. We are all interconnected, expressions of a singular, infinite, eternal state of awareness — “The One Consciousness.”
At first, I wondered if I was merely communicating with my imagination. However, as I began receiving insightful answers to my questions, I realized something larger was at play. The “Seth Books” by Jane Roberts — a pioneering voice in consciousness exploration — laid the groundwork for my journey. Initially, I believed that only Jane could channel Seth; however, my evolving understanding of oneness allowed me to embrace the possibility that everyone can connect with this delightfully quirky universal teacher. That said, the specific identity of a channeled entity is always secondary to what resonates with your heart.
Some may not know that the current most famous channeler in the world, Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham, has said that Abraham is Seth. As with myself, this is not some claim about a specific identity / entity, but a statement about the singular commonality of the gnostic / channeling experience. This is why I sometimes refer to Seth as ‘the universal teacher’ or ‘the teacher archetype.’
Connecting with your spirit
Spiritual awakening calls for developing our inner senses, allowing us to experience a broader spiritual reality that transcends our physical level of perception. By integrating your spirit, your ability to connect with / channel your spirit will naturally flourish.
The wider reality is the state of non-physical existence from which we choose to enter our human experience. Life is an exploration into the depths of time and space, where source consciousness engages with the wonders and limitations of individuality. Our human journey of embodiment invites us to experience the richness of life while temporarily forgetting our infinite nature.
Life is not a mistake to rectify but an incredible adventure that enhances our understanding of time and existence.
Spiritual awakening isn’t about escaping life; it’s about diving into the depths of your consciousness while fully embodied. It’s about recognizing how deeply you can connect to our wider eternal existence. While spiritual awakening is inevitable upon passing from this world, igniting this process during your lifetime can bring profound joy and a sense of infinite freedom.
Physical reality is a wondrous dream within the vastness of the one consciousness. Each of us is a uniquely creative dreamer, crafting our experiences of individuality while simultaneously interconnected with the whole. Our shared reality highlights our interrelationship and reminds us that our connection is based in love.
Loving yourself as you are is at the heart of connecting with your spirit because you — just as you are — are the infinitely wise choice of your spirit to enter the human experience. To not love yourself is to not love your spirit’s choice … which is to not understand your spirit’s viewpoint … which is to be disconnected from your spirit through unconsciousness of what it is.
To love yourself as you are is to enter the reality of your spirit because that is how your spirit experiences you — with love.
Story distills his most popular spiritual teachings into easily digestible insights, aiming to transform how we perceive reality. With almost a thousand hours of channeling various spiritual entities, Story guides you toward a radically different understanding of life beyond conventional beliefs.
Spiritual Awakening (14mins).
The Language of Spirit (14mins).
Remembering Your Wider Self (14 mins).
Duality, Fear, and Diamond Consciousness (14mins).
One Fear - One Question - One Answer (15mins).
You Are Your Spirit’s Desire (15mins).
Seth Speaks - Knowing the Mirror (14mins).
Seth Speaks - We Are All Here (15mins).
You Are All Names (14mins).
The Infinite Wanting (15mins).
The Explorers (15mins).
The 9th Window (15mins).
The Naked Self (16mins).
Fig Leaf Definition (10mins).
Timeline Creation (14mins).
Window into Heaven (16mins).
The Angel (16mins).
The Unmasking of a Monster (21mins).
The White Light (20mins).
Running Time: 7 hours
You can read a series of short articles based on several episodes in the free article section.